The fishing in Port Douglas is improving of late as the waters temperatures cool down and the pelagic species move in. Levante Fishing Charters and Zulu Gamefishing Charters have both been busy throughout April and into May with Levante having re-commenced her ‘Shared Fishing Charters’ on a regular basis as well as Zulu being a popular choice for private day trips and live-aboard charters.
We have just returned from a three day live-aboard fishing charter on board Zulu. We had ten guests split into two groups – 5 pax on Zulu and 5 pax on Monsoon (local charter vessel). The annual ‘boys trip’ proved a roaring success, with our daily catch consisting of decent sized Coral Trout, large and small mouth Nannygai as well as a few Red Emeperor. Our first fish of the trip was a Yellowfin Tuna – perfect for sashimi the following afternoon!
One of our guests described one of the charter days as ‘The best day of my life – Reeling in giant fish whilst watching the AFL live and drinking beer’ (AFL – we forgive them, they’re from Melbourne). They plan to include beautiful Beluga X in next year’s trip because – ‘The only thing that could top this, is sitting in that hot tub whilst overlooking the reef at sunset’. We concur!